Privacy policy
The Customer shall have secure access to the data by means of a personal identifier and a confidential password. The Customer undertakes to take all necessary measures to secure access to the data and to make them accessible only to duly authorized persons. The Customer undertakes not to communicate to a third party, whether free of charge or for a fee, all or part of the information provided to it under this Agreement.
In order to preserve the confidentiality of the connection, the Customer undertakes to ensure that each employee uses a password which will be changed as often as necessary. Telescop will never be held responsible for the theft of identifiers, passwords or unauthorized use of access. The Customer undertakes to appoint a technical administrator to manage the accesses granted by Telescop.
Telescop retains ownership of all intellectual property rights to studies, analyses, projections, databases, drawings, models, prototypes, etc., carried out for the purpose of providing the Services to the Customer. The Customer is therefore prohibited from reproducing or exploiting the said studies, databases, drawings, models and prototypes, etc., without the express, written and prior authorization of Telescop.
In the event that the Customer fails to perform any of its obligations under the Contract, in particular in the event of non-payment of sums due to Telescop, and has not remedied this within eight (8) calendar days of the date of receipt by the Customer of a letter of acknowledgement of default, Telescop reserves the right to terminate the Contract by operation of law, without prejudice to any possible damages. Telescop may also decide to suspend access to the Services as soon as it is established that the Customer is in breach of its contractual obligations.
Termination or non-renewal of the contract will immediately release Telescop from any obligation towards the Customer. Suspension, early termination or non-renewal of the contract will not affect the payment of any sums due to Telescop. Any amount paid will be acquired by Telescop and the Customer will remain liable for the packages subscribed to and any services ordered before the date of termination.
The Contract may not be assigned in whole or in part by the Customer to a third party without the prior written consent of Telescop. Telescop will have the option of transferring all or part of the rights and obligations under this Contract to its successor, assignee or any entity directly or indirectly controlled by Telescop after written notification to the other party by Telescop.
All disputes arising from the interpretation or execution of the contract will be submitted to the competent courts of PARIS, including in case of summary proceedings and/or multiple defendants. The law applicable to the contract is French law.
The registration on the Site entails the processing of the Customer’s personal data. If the Customer refuses the processing of his/her data, he/she is requested to refrain from using the Site.
This processing of personal data is done in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016.
In addition, in accordance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, the Customer has the right, at any time, to query, access, rectify, modify and oppose all of his personal data by writing, by mail (Telescop, 23 rue du mail 75002 PARIS) and providing proof of his identity, to the following address:
This personal data is necessary for the processing of his Order and the establishment of his invoices if necessary, as well as for the improvement of the functionalities of the Site.
The Company ensures an appropriate level of security proportionate to the risks incurred as well as their probability, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016.
However, these measures in no way constitute a guarantee and do not commit the Company to an obligation of result regarding data security.
In order to allow its users to benefit from an optimal navigation on the Site and a better functioning of the various interfaces and applications, the company is likely to implant a cookie on the user’s computer. This cookie allows the storage of information relating to navigation on the Site, as well as any data entered by the Users (in particular searches, login, email, password).
The user expressly authorizes the Company to place a “cookie” file on the user’s hard drive.
The user has the possibility of blocking, modifying the duration of conservation, or deleting this cookie via the interface of his browser. If the systematic deactivation of cookies on the User’s browser prevents him/her from using certain services or features of the Site, this malfunctioning shall in no way constitute damage for the member, who shall not be entitled to claim any compensation as a result.
The Company reserves the right to modify the Site, the services offered on the Site, the GTC/GU and any delivery procedure or other element of the services provided by the Company through the Site.
When placing an Order, the User shall be subject to the provisions of the GTC/GTU in effect at the time the Order is placed.
La Société ne peut en aucun cas être tenue responsable pour l’indisponibilité, qu’elle soit temporaire ou permanente du Site Internet et, bien qu’elle mette en œuvre tous les moyens afin d’assurer en permanence le service, il se peut que celui-ci soit interrompu à tout moment. En outre, la Société se réserve le droit, par un acte volontaire, de rendre le Site indisponible afin de réaliser toute opération de mise à jour, d’amélioration ou de maintenance.
Tel que mentionné auparavant dans les présentes, la Société ne peut en aucun cas être tenue responsable des retards de réalisation d’une prestation de service pour des motifs qui échappent à son contrôle, indépendants de sa volonté, imprévisibles et irrésistibles ou dont la faute ne peut lui être imputable.
La marque, le logo, et la charte graphique du présent Site sont des marques déposées auprès de l’INPI et des oeuvres protégées au titre de la propriété intellectuelle, dont la propriété revient exclusivement à la Société. Toute diffusion, exploitation, représentation, reproduction, qu’elle soit partielle ou intégrale sans l’autorisation expresse de ladite société exposera le contrevenant à des poursuites civiles et pénales.
Le droit régissant les CGV/CGU est le droit français. Tout litige pouvant survenir entre la Société et un Utilisateur lors de l’exécution des présentes fera l’objet d’une tentative de résolution à l’amiable. A défaut, les litiges seront portés à la connaissance des tribunaux compétents de droit commun.
Le Client est informé qu’il peut recourir à une médiation conventionnelle, auprès de la Commission de la médiation de la Consommation prévue à l’article L534-7 du Code de la consommation ou auprès des instances de médiation sectorielles existantes. Il peut également recourir à tout mode alternatif de règlement des différends en cas de litige.
Préalablement à sa Commande, le Client reconnaît avoir eu communication, de façon lisible et compréhensible, des CGV/CGU et des informations et renseignements prévus aux articles L111-1 à L111-7 du Code de la consommation, et notamment :
les caractéristiques essentielles des Services ;
le prix des Services ;
la date ou le délai auquel la Société s’engage à fournir le Service ;
les informations relatives à l’identité de la Société (coordonnées postales, téléphoniques, électroniques) ;
les informations relatives aux garanties légales et contractuelles et à leurs modalités de mise en oeuvre ;
la possibilité de recourir à une médiation conventionnelle en cas de litige ;
les informations relatives au droit de rétractation (délai, modalités d’exercice).
La passation d’une Commande sur le Site emporte adhésion et acceptation des CGV/CGU. Le Client ne pourra se prévaloir d’un document contradictoire
En France, les serveurs et les données sont hébergés par : OVH SAS au capital de 10 069 020 € Siège social : 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419
En Irlande, les serveurs et les données sont hébergés à Dublin par : Amazon Web Services, Inc. P.O. Box 81226 Seattle, WA 98108-1226